Window decals & warning signs.

by Rick Overholt on August 31, 2010

My installers often tell me that they left the window decals with the client, as they wanted to put them up themselves.  Often the decals are never put up.

Perhaps you’re thinking, “I don’t want a bunch of advertising stuck on my windows” or “the stickers will make the crooks think I must have some really nice stuff to try to protect.”

I’ve seen reports in the trade magazines that suggest that a home  or office with alarm warning signs posted is up to sixteen times less likely to have a break-in than a propery without warning signs.  In fact, this research based on five years of study at Rutgers University in 2009 supports this thinking

Can you ignore those odds?

So, you ask, where should I put them?  For homes, I recommend  a visible window decal on every approach to the home, and at least one yard sign visible from the street.  Put yourself in their shoes.  Would you rather break into a property with alarm warning signs, or a property next door with no signs?

Tastefully placed on the bottom corner of a window, the decals really aren’t that much of a distraction, if any at all.

So if you need help placing your decals, or some new ones to replace sun faded ones, please call us at 281-591-1944 and we will send you some out! (This offer limited to OMNI clients)  Or if your decals are worn and faded, or, if you need a new yard sign, we’ll get you out a new one.

For commercial applications, or interested residents, we can also supply larger fence-mounted signs to help keep potential crooks from choosing your property.

A properly placed yard sign, or fence sign can make a would be burglar think twice about going into a property and getting caught.


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