Video verification – Future? or Now?

by Rick Overholt on June 9, 2010

Imagine, a futuristic alarm system, that has a built in video camera.  Anytime your alarm is activated, a ten second video clip is transmitted to the monitoring center, and emailed ot you.  The monitoring center views the video, if there is a person present, the dispatching process begins.

If there is no person present, no dispatch.  False alarms from pets and ballons; gone forever. 

When the police are called, they are advised that it has been video verified that someone is on the property.  This is now upgraded to a higher priority than a regular “blind” alarm call. 

While we are imagining, lets make all the motion cameras wireless, and, lets send all the alarm data and video via cell phone, a truly wireless system. Just for grins, lets give it two way voice communications between the detectors and the monitoring center.

Sound pretty cool?  The coolest part is, this is avaliable now!   Call today for a no obligation estimate.


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