In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Omni Fire & Security is working diligently to limit the spread of this virus while providing services that our customers depend on for the security of their homes and businesses. In times like this, we must all do our part. We are monitoring this situation and adjusting our policies to ensure the safety of our clients. We plan to keep working and providing life safety and security services for our clients.
What We Are Doing to Stop the Spread
Any technician who has signs of illness or fever over 100.4 will not be handling service calls. Technicians will have hand sanitizers in their service vehicles to use before entering client property. At clients’ request, techs will wear a respirator while on client property. Omni encourages all employees to maintain a personal distance of six feet when possible. We have reduced sharing workstations or vehicles. We are disinfecting common areas more often.
Office staff will not work from the office if they have fever. The CDC currently recommends that “[e]mployees will stay home and not come to work until they are free of fever 100.4° F ”
Employees will maintain their routine practices of good hand hygiene.
Monitoring/Service Policies and Adjustments
Omni will continue to schedule and perform service calls and new installations as long as permitted to by local government. We reserve the right to refuse service to any location where a person is visibly ill.
As always, our service team will help support customers who are able to complete simple system maintenance tasks over the phone. Tasks like battery replacements and resetting might not need an in person service. This will save you money and help limit in person interaction.
Our monitoring center will be reserving live phone calls for alarm events. We’ll be utilizing more automated calls for non emergency events such as low batteries or cell failures. This frees up personnel to directly handle the priority calls where they are needed the most.
How You Can Help
Do not make an appointment if you are ill or quarantined. If you have an appointment and someone in your household becomers sick, please call our office to reschedule your appointment. or 281-591-1944 option 2.